The History of Rosebud, Missouri
In the late 1890’s, crews had completed the stretch of the Rock Island Railroad between Union and Herman, MO and the train depot had been fully constructed. Alongside the depot, the landowners stood, staring at the creation of their innermost dreams.
“Well gentlemen, we have a depot. But now, we’re gonna have to figure out what to call this here stop. Those engineers gotta know where they’re stopp’n!”
“How about Rosebud?” His attention focused on a wild rosebush in full bloom just beyond the depot. After a discussion and confirmation from the Bourbeuse Post office that no other city in Missouri held the name, they unanimously decided to erect a sign about the depot, labeling the new stop to all passers as “Rosebud”.

The First Hotel
Along the Old Springfield Road (now Missouri Highway 50) one, young, enterprising man by the name of Godfried Baur had it in his head that where there is a railroad, there’s got to be people. He could see the future need for lodging of the railroad crews and the many newcomers following the rails west. With the Rock Island crews starting to pitch tents nearby, Mr. Baur hung his new sign “open for boarders” above the front door. When the “Rock Island Tent City” wasn’t a good fit, Baur’s 11 room hotel turned into a busy spot and was filled to the brim every night. The building was recently torn down and is now a gravel lot available for vendor space.
Springfield Road (Now Highway 50) Rosebud, MO. 1911
Brinkman’s Store
A bit further west from Baur’s Hotel on Old Springfield Road Albert Karstedt and A.F. Brinkman constructed a general merchandise store in 1900 that contained just about everything including shoes, groceries, men’s hats, seeds, tobacco and patent drugs to care for the rash. The building is now Rachel's Rustic Room & Boutique and specializes in vintage, farmhouse, French, industrial furniture and home decor as well as trendy clothing.

Rosebud Timeline
1851- Rock Island Railroad construction began in Chicago, eventually making its way to Rosebud, MO.
1899- Rosebud's first hotel, The Baur Hotel, was "Open for Boarders"
1900- Brinkman’s General Store was opened along Springfield Road (now highway 50)
1901- The train depot constructed on land donated by Henry Wehmeyer and Philip Idel.
1902- Several businesses were in opened and operational in Rosebud including lumber yard, blacksmith shop, two general stores, a hotel, a mill, café, a telephone office, saloon, bank and garages.
1911- Rosebud was officially incorporated by Gasconade County.
1914- The newly constructed Immanuel Lutheran Church was dedicated.
1915- The newly constructed Methodist Church was dedicated.
1925- The town of Rosebud made a contract with the Gasconade County Power company to bring electric service into town.
1928- Highway 50 was paved by the Missouri Highway Department.
1932- The Rosebud Bank closed during the Depression, never to reopen.
1940- Rosebud Census was 78 people.
1947- Rosebud was upgraded from town to City.
1949- Rosebud's American Legion Post 587 received it's Charter.
1969- Rosebud Train Depot was closed
1979- Rock Island Railroad closed in Missouri
2005- Businesses started opening as a destination for antique seekers,
day trippers & travelers enroute from St. Louis to Lake of the Ozarks.
2012- Rosebud Area Enrichment Association was founded.

Rosebud Bank, now the Rosebud Vault.

The Rock Island Trail Project
The Rock Island Railroad was instrumental in the growth of Rosebud and although it is now closed to rail traffic, there will be work to develop the railroad into a state trail similar to the Katy Trail. The vision of Missouri Rock Island Trail, Inc. is to preserve a major transportation corridor as a world class linear park that enhances communities, stimulates economic development and expands healthy recreational opportunities. We are more than antiques, shopping & food. To learn more about this project and keep up to date by following their Facebook page. ROCK ISLAND TRAIL Facebook or visit the ROCK ISLAND TRAIL WEB PAGE.